C Programming Interview Question

SNO Question
1 What do you know about C Programming?
2 C is mid level programming language. How?
3 What are features of C Programming?
4 What is the meaning of 'scanf()' and 'printf()' in C?
5 Difference between local and global variable?
6 What do you mean by call by value and call by reference?
7 What do you mean by storage class?
8 What are the difference between static and extern variable?
9 What are the different types of storage class?
10 What do you know about recursion?
11 What are the datatypes in C?
12 What is register storage Class?
13 What is the difference between struct and union?
14 What is Dynamic Memory Allocation?
15 What is typedef keyword?
16 What is Dangling Pointer?
17 What is the difference between 'c'(single Quotes) and "c" (Double Quotes)?
18 Why we are using "void" Keywords?
19 What is "free" pointer in C?
20 Why we are using header file in C?
21 What is .exe file in C?
22 What is the meaning of ';'?