1 |
What is Data? |
2 |
What is Data Structure? |
3 |
What are the types of data structure? |
4 |
What is the difference between Linear and Non-Linear Data Structure? |
5 |
What is Array? |
6 |
What is LinkedList? |
7 |
How Array is differ from LinkedList? |
8 |
Which is better Array or LinkedList? |
9 |
What is Stack? |
10 |
What is Queue? |
11 |
What is Circular Queue? |
12 |
What is overflow and underflow condition of Circular Queue? |
13 |
What are the application of stack? |
14 |
How to implement Stack using Queue? |
15 |
How to implement Queue using Stack? |
16 |
What is Priority Queue? |
17 |
What is Tree? |
18 |
What is Binary Tree? |
19 |
What is the difference between B-Tree and Binary Tree? |
20 |
What is condition of Balanced Binary Search Tree? |
21 |
What is Graph and How it represents? |
22 |
Which data Structure are Used in BFS and DFS? |