1 |
What is DBMS? |
2 |
What is database? |
3 |
What is the advantage and disadvantage DBMS? |
4 |
What is schema? |
5 |
What is Relational Algebra? |
6 |
What is selection and projection in relational algebra? |
7 |
What is relation? |
8 |
What is reltionship? |
9 |
What is advantage and disadvantage of file system database? |
10 |
What is data abstraction in DBMS? |
11 |
What do you know about tdree levels of data abstraction? |
12 |
What is Data Definition Language(DDL)? |
13 |
What is Data Manipulation Language(DML)? |
14 |
What is normalization in DBMS? |
15 |
What is functional Dependency? |
16 |
What do you know about ER Model? |
17 |
What is weak and strong Entity set? |
18 |
What do you know about Data Independence? |
19 |
What is Join? |
20 |
What are the types of join in DBMS? |
21 |
What do you know about 1NF? |
22 |
What do you know about 2NF? |
23 |
What do you know about 3NF? |
24 |
What do you know about BCNF? |
25 |
What is Transaction? |
26 |
What are the ACID Properties? |