Consider a non-empty string 1)The input string Read instr from standard input stream. Print the outstr to standard output stream. Input:999 aa 22aa Output:$aa$22aa Input:Hi there Output:Hi$thereInstr
containing only letters, numbers, and white spaces. Identity and print a string outstr
based on the logic below:
• Form a string by removing all occurrences of the characters in Instr
at special Index, if the character at the special index is a non-white space.
• Special index is the absolute index obtained by subtracting the number of occurrences of highest occurring letters (a-z and A-Z)
and the number of occurrences of highest occurring digit (0-9)
in Instr
• If the character at the special index is a white space, ignore the removal of character . Replace all occurrences of white spaces in the above formed string with a $
(dollar symbol).
will not contain any leading or trailing spaces.
2)The input string instr
will contain atleast two unique characters.
Example I:
def solution(instr):
freqLetter = {}
freqDigit = {}
for ch in instr:
if((ord(ch)>=65 and ord(ch)<= 90) or ( ord(ch)>=97 and ord(ch)<=122)):
if ch in freqLetter:
elif ch!=' ':
elif(ord(ch)>=48 and ord(ch)<=57):
if ch in freqDigit:
elif ch!=' ':
letter,digit = 0,0
for k,v in freqLetter.items():
letter = max(letter,v)
for k,v in freqDigit.items():
digit = max(digit,v)
index = abs(letter-digit)
ch = instr[index]
res = ""
if ch!=' ':
for i in instr:
if i!=ch and i !=' ':
res += i
if i == " ":
res += "$"
for i in instr:
if i ==' ':
res += "$"
res += i
return res