DBMS INFYTQ Mock-I Questions

1.Identify the statements that will be TRUE after executing the following statements on an empty MongoDB collection.

db.fruit.insert([ {_id:501,Fruitname:"Pine apple",Season: "Summer",Price:45),
{_id:502,Fruitname:"Water melon",Season:"Winter", Price:40},
{_id:503,FruitnameCustard apple",Season:"Summer",Price:40},
{_id:504,Fruitname:"Banana",Season: "Winter",Price:25},
{_id:505, Fruitname:"Mosambi",Season: "Winter",Price:25},
{_id:506,Fruitname:"Musk melon",Season:"Summer",Price:35}]);
db.fruit.update({$or:[{Fruitname:"Water melon"},{Price:40}]},{$set:{Price:35}});

Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE?
i) Three fruits will have price as 25
ii) The fruit collection will have 4 "Winter" seasons.
iii) Two fruits will have price as 35.
iv) Two fruits will have a name ending with "melon".

a)  i and ii
b)  i and iii
c)  ii and iv
d)  i,ii,iii.

(c) is the correct option.

2. Consider relational schema along with the functional dependencies given below:

playerno->playername, playertype,discount
gamename->gametype, duration,amount

How many tables will result when the relation is in 3NF?

   a) 1
   b) 2
   c) 3
   d) 4

(c) is the correct option.

3.Consider a Patient table with attributes patientid (primary key), patientname, city, dateofbirth and phone. Except patientid no columns are unique. The table has three indexes as follows:

IDX1 - patientid

Which of the following queries will result in INDEX UNIQUE SCAN?

   a) WHERE city > Mumbai' AND dateofbirth > '30-Mar-1995'
   b) WHERE patientid = 'P1007' AND dateofbirth = '30-Mar-1995'
   c) WHERE patientname = 'Sam' AND dateofbirth = '30-Mar-1995’
   d) WHERE patientname LIKE 'R%

(c) is the correct option.

4.Consider the table stores and sales given below:


Which of the following is suitable primary key for the following?