Ques 1 Break Continue
"break" is the keyword that comes out from the loop body.
Ques 2 Break Continue
What is the output of the following Python Code?
i,j=4,5 count=0 while i!=0 and j>=0: count=i-1 j=count-i if i==j: break print(i,end=" ")
Ques 3 Break Continue
What is the output of the following Python Code?
i,j=4,5 count=0 for i in range (i,i+j,i): count=i-1 j=count-i if i==j: break print(count,end=" ")
Ques 4 Break Continue
What is the output of the following Python Code?
int=10 for i in range(0,int): if i%2==0: continue if i%2!=0: print(i,end=" ")
Ques 5 Break Continue
What is the output of the following Python Code?
int=10 for i in range(0,int): for j in range(0,int+int): if i^i==i-j: print(i-j,end=" ") break