typecasting in C Programming

typecasting involves converting a value from one data type to another. This can be useful in situations where you need to perform operations or comparisons involving different data types. In most programming languages, typecasting can be achieved using predefined functions or syntax.

Syntax of Typecasting

(type name)operands;
S.No function Discription
1 (int) It convert any datatype into integer.
2 (float) It convert any datatype into Float.
3 (char) It convert any datatype into charecter.
4 (str) It convert any datatype into strings
int main()
    int a=10, b;
    char z='4', x;
    float k=4.000, j;
    b = ((int)z) / 2;
    x = char(int(k) + a);
    j = float(float(a) / k);
    printf("%d %c %f", b, x, j);
    return 0;

Here b contains integer value x contains integer char value and j conatins float value.