Number System MCQs with Answers Exercise III

Ques 1 Number System

Find the number of trailing zero in 149!.?

A 20
B 24
C 35
D 41

By using the above formula..

no of trailing zero=(n5)+(n25)+(n125)+(n625)+.......................

no of trailing zero in 149!=(1495)+(14925)+(149125)+(149625)

no of trailing zero in 149!=29+5+1+0
no of trailing zero in 149!=35

Ques 2 Number System

Two numbers differ by 5. If their product is 336, the sum of the two numbers is.

A 25
B 28
C 30
D 37

Ques 3 Number System

The unit digit in the product (124)372 + (124373 is.

A 0
B 4
C 9
D 2

Ques 4 Number System

The unit digit in the product (124)372 + (124373 is.

A 0
B 4
C 9
D 2

Ques 5 Number System

What is the unit digit of 1! + 2! + 3! + ……+99!.?

A 2
B 3
C 6
D 8