Pointer in C++ MCQs Exercise I

Ques 1 Pointer

Which of the following is true about Pointer?

A Pointer is variable that hold the address of another variable.
B Pointer is a type of variable that hold only primitive Datatypes.
C We cannot define function as a pointer.
D All of these

Ques 2 Pointer

Which of the following correct ways to declare a pointer variable?

A char p;
B char *p;
C Pointer p;
D char &p;

Ques 3 Pointer

Choose the correct option for Pointer declaration.

      int *x,y;

A x and y are pointer to integer.
B x is pointer to integer and y is a intger.
C x is integer and p is pointer to integer.
D x and y are integer

Ques 4 Pointer

What is the default initial value of C++ Pointer ?

A 0
B false
C true
D nil

Ques 5 Pointer

What is the output of the following C++ Code?

using namespace std;
int main()
	int *p;
	int q;

A Garbage Value
B 0
C 100
D Address of pointer p

Ques 6 Pointer

What is the output of the following C++ Code?

using namespace std;
int main()
	int *p;
	int q;

A Garbage Value
B 0
C 100
D Address of pointer p