Variable and Comment in C MCQs Exercise I

Ques 1 Variable and Comment

Which of the following is the property of Variable?

A We can change the value of variable
B It store value
C Both (a) and (b)
D None of these

Ques 2 Variable and Comment

Which one of the following is the correct option of variable declaration ?

A int A:
B int a;
C int $x;
D (a), (b) and (c)

Ques 3 Variable and Comment

Which keyword is used to make any variable as immutable variable in C Programming?

A int
B float
C const
D pointer

Ques 4 Variable and Comment

What is the purpose of a variable in C programming?

A To store comments
B To store data
C To perform mathematical operations
D To print output

Ques 5 Variable and Comment

Which of the following statements about comments in C++ is true?

A Comments are executed by the compiler.
B Comments are ignored by the compiler.
C Comments are necessary for the program to compile.
D Comments can only be used at the beginning of a program.