STL Searching in C++

STL searching is a process of finding a specific element in a container. The STL provides a variety of searching algorithms, each of which is designed for a different type of container.


The following code shows how to use the std::find() algorithm to find the element 5 in a vector of integers:

int main() {
  std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
  // Find the element 5 in the vector.
  int *found = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), 5);
  // If the element is found, print its index.
  if (found != v.end()) {
    std::cout << "The element 5 was found at index " << found - v.begin() << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cout << "The element 5 was not found." << std::endl;
  return 0;

This code will print the following output:

The element 5 was found at index 4.

STL searching has a number of advantages over custom searching algorithms, including:

Reusability: STL searching algorithms are generic, which means that they can be used with any type of container. This can save you time and effort, as you do not need to write custom searching algorithms for each type of container.
Efficiency: STL searching algorithms are often implemented using optimized algorithms, which can result in faster execution times compared to custom searching algorithms.
Correctness: STL searching algorithms have been thoroughly tested and debugged, which can help to ensure that your code is correct.


STL searching also has a few disadvantages, including:

Complexity: STL searching algorithms can be complex, which can make them difficult to understand and use.
Overhead: STL searching algorithms can add some overhead to your code, which can reduce performance.
Inflexibility: STL searching algorithms are not as flexible as custom searching algorithms.
For example, you cannot easily customize the search algorithm to meet your specific needs.


STL searching is a powerful tool that can be used to find elements in containers. It has a number of advantages, including reusability, efficiency, and correctness. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as complexity, overhead, and inflexibility.