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throw is used to throw an exception explicitly, while throws is used to declare an exception that may be thrown by a method.
throw is used to throw an exception in a method's body, while throws is used to declare an exception in a method's signature.
throw can be used to throw only one exception at a time, while throws can be used to declare multiple exceptions separated by a comma.
throw must be used inside a method or constructor, while throws must be used in the method or constructor signature.
throw is used to throw an exception immediately, while throws is used to indicate that an exception may be thrown, but it does not throw the exception itself.
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"throw" is used to explicitly raise an exception within a method, signaling an abnormal condition.
"Throws" is used in method signatures to declare that a method may throw certain exceptions, delegating responsibility to the caller to handle them.
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'throw' keyword is used to explicitly raise an exception within a method or code block. This signals that an error or abnormal condition has occurred.
The 'throws' keyword, on the other hand, is used in a method's signature to declare the types of exceptions that the method might throw. This informs callers of the method that they need to handle these potential exceptions. Essentially, 'throw' actively generates an exception, while 'throws' simply advertises the possibility of exceptions needing to be addressed.