Why java is Platform Independent?

Author: Ayush
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Java is platform-independent because of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which interprets compiled Java bytecode and executes it on the specific platform.
The same compiled Java code can run on different platforms without modification, due to the availability of JVM for many different operating systems.
Java Development Kit (JDK) includes a set of standard libraries that provide a consistent programming interface across different platforms, further reducing the need to write platform-specific code.

Author: Aditya
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Java is platform-independent because it does not compile directly to machine-specific code. Instead, Java code turns into platform-neutral bytecode. A Java Virtual Machine (JVM), specific to each operating system, then interprets and executes this bytecode, allowing the same Java program to run on different platforms.

Author: Sachin
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Java is platform-independent because of its write once, run anywhere philosophy, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java bytecode to be executed on any platform that has a JVM installed, abstracting away hardware and operating system differences.

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