Number Series Reasoning MCQs with Answer - Exercise III

Ques 1 Number Series

What will come in place of (?) in the following number series problems?

  a) 79
  b) 88
  c) 93
  d) 97

b is the correct option

Ques 2 Number Series

What will come in place of (?) in the following number series problems?

  15, 8, 9, 15, 32, ?
  a) 66
  b) 80.5
  c) 82.5
  d) 84.5

c is the correct option

Ques 3 Number Series

What will come in place of (?) in the following number series problems?

  104, ?, 96, 120, 88, 128
  a) 112
  b) 96
  c) 116
  d) 120

a is the correct option
112=104 + 8
96=112 – 16
120=96 + 24
88=120 – 32
128=88 + 40
Thus, the number is 112,

Ques 4 Number Series

Find the wrong number in following number series :

10, 22, 35, 50, 68, 92, 117
  a) 92
  b) 117
  c) 10
  d) 22

92 is the correct option