1 |
What is Operating System? |
2 |
Why we are using Operating System? |
3 |
What are the types of Operating System? |
4 |
What is Process? |
5 |
What is Thread in Operating System? |
6 |
What is Scheduling? What are their types? |
7 |
What is Starvation? Which algorithm suffers? |
8 |
What happens if the size of time quantum is increased in Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm? |
9 |
What are the states of Process? |
10 |
What is Semaphore? What is its use? |
11 |
What is Aging? |
12 |
What are the conditions for Deadlock? |
13 |
What is System Call? |
14 |
What is Demand Paging? |
15 |
What is Fragmentation? |
16 |
What are the differences between Internal and External Fragmentation? |
17 |
What is caching in Memory Management? |
18 |
What are interrupts? |
19 |
Why we are using Banker's Algorithm? |
20 |
What is page and table in Memory Management? |
21 |
What is the difference between logical address and physical Address? |
22 |
What do you mean by Cache Hit and Cache miss? |