List and Tuple both are build-in data types of in Python there are different feature that is
List are mutable data type that contains heterogeneous element written inside []
,List indexing start with 0.
Tuple are immutable data type thats contains Heterogeneous element written inside ()
Mutable: We can change their contents after creation (add, remove, modify items).
Ordered: Elements maintain their order of insertion.
Syntax: Enclosed in square brackets [].
Immutable: We can cannot change their contents after creation.
Ordered: Elements maintain their order of insertion.
Syntax: Enclosed in parentheses ().
Lists are mutable, allowing for modification of elements, addition, and removal, while tuples are immutable, providing data integrity and performance benefits. Lists are denoted by square brackets [ ], and tuples by parentheses ( ), with lists typically used for dynamic data and tuples for fixed data.