What are the feature of set?

Author: Vikas
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Set is the unordered unique list of elements means set contains unique value in unordered manner .The following is the feature of set.
a)Duplicate Not Present.
b)Set is immutable.
c)Heterogeneous element are stored.

Author: Aditya
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Sets in Python are unordered collections of unique elements that automatically remove duplicates, allowing for quick membership testing and mathematical operations such as union, intersection, and difference. It is mutable, which allows the addition and deletion of elements, resulting in a reusable data structure for tasks such as filtering unique values and testing for existence.

Author: Deepak
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Features of sets in Python:
Unordered: Elements in a set have no specific order.
Unique Elements: Sets only contain unique elements; duplicates are automatically removed.
Mutable: You can add or remove elements from a set after its creation.

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