Ques 1 Sentence Completion
The sun was shining brightly, so the children decided to go _______ in the park.
a) swim
b) hike
c) play
d) sleep
Ques 2 Sentence Completion
After a long day of hiking, we finally reached the _______ of the mountain.
a) bottom
b) middle
c) top
d) side
Ques 3 Sentence Completion
The detective carefully examined the _______ at the crime scene for any clues.
a) suspects
b) victims
c) evidence
d) witnesses
Ques 4 Sentence Completion
The baby was crying, so the mother tried to _______ it by rocking it gently.
a) calm
b) scare
c) feed
d) wake
Ques 5 Sentence Completion
I couldn't find my keys anywhere; they seemed to have _______.
a) disappeared
b) multiplied
c) fallen
d) broken
Ques 6 Sentence Completion
The weather was so hot that we decided to go _______ in the pool.
a) ski
b) swim
c) skate
d) slide