Ques 1 Sentence Correction
Two columns are given in each question and each column has three phrases. Choose the
most suitable pair of phrases, which makes a grammatically correct and contextually coherent statement.
A. The regulator did not wait for sufficient safety and efficacy data to be collected
B. If there is already some degree of apprehension about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines,
C. If the answers to those questions are affirmative, then
D. the opaque nature of the approval process has done little to mitigate such concerns.
E. and did not share information about the clinical trials before granting approval.
F. made assumptions about increasing rates of technological progress is very reasonable
Ques 2 Sentence Correction
Two columns are given in each question and each column has three phrases. Choose the
most suitable pair of phrases, which makes a grammatically correct and contextually coherent statement.
A. These regulatory bodies and committees have remained silent
B. More than being a scientific methodology,
C. The coercive attempt to falsify a study participant’s claims and intimidate him or her
D. violates the agreed upon rules of clinical trials
E. clinical trials are a method of human cooperation
F. the impression that they are not independent
Ques 3 Sentence Correction
The book reflects the wide range of concerns and the multitude of ways in which the United Nations touch the lives of people everywhere.
Ques 4 Sentence Correction
Man and beast are struggling to live in harmony with one another as the human population encroaches even further into the natural habitat of animals.
Ques 5 Sentence Correction
The Delhi power regulator has turned out a request by the distribution companies to hike power tariffs in the Capital.