write() function are used to write in the file.
w mode(write mode) are used to overwrite in the file means it clear all the content which is already written in the file and the write.
Syntax of write() function with 'w' mode
Soppose in file 'sc.py' we have a program to add two number.
txt='SmallCode is a Educational Website' file_var1=open("sc.py","w") file_var1.write(txt) file_var1.close() file_var2=open("sc.py","r") print(file_var2.read())
SmallCode is a Educational Website
If you open the file with any variable then you don't able do read write with one variable you need to openagain with another variable.
Soppose we have a file 'sc.py'.
file_var=open("sc.py","r") print(file_var.write("SmallCode is a Educational website.")) print(f.read())
print(file_var.write("SmallCode is a Educational website.")) io.UnsupportedOperation: not writable
Syntax of write() function with 'a' mode
Soppose in file 'sc.py' we have a program to add two number.
txt='SmallCode is a Educational Website' file_var1=open("sc.py","a") file_var1.write(txt) file_var1.close() file_var2=open("sc.py","r") print(file_var2.read())
a=10 b=20 print("sum:",a+b) SmallCode is a Educational Website
remove() function of os Module are used to remove the file.
import os os.remove("file_name")
import os os.remove("sc.py")
Here sc.py file is deleted.