What is Python Interpreter ?

Interpreter is a type of Translators available in computer. Interpreter are mainly used to convert High-level language to Low-level instruction. The specialty of Interpreter is, in contrast to a Compiler, it reads the source code line by line, left to right and executes them one at a time.

How to Install Python?

Step1:-Click here to Download
Step2:-This is a 25 MB file approx.
Step3:-Double click the executable file.
Step4:-Start the installation by clicking Next button.
Step5:-Choose the destination folder and install it.
Step6:-Once the installation is complete, go to My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab.
Step7:-Now click on "Environment variables" button > new.
Step8:-Change the system variable name as: PATH.
Step9:-Change the variable value as: C:\python\python3\bin.
Step10:-Click OK and start Python to write the program.